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Book Reviews

The start of a new year, and what a start it has been. This week I have received several reviews for my latest book, Where the f**k is Blönduòs?, for which I am hugely grateful. As any writer would agree, for a reader to be entertained, moved, inspired and to capture exactly the essence of the story, it simply doesn't get any better. I don't use these words lightly; They belong to the reviews. One thing all the reviewers shared was an interest in reading more about my personal journey. and I can happily say that they shouldn't have to wait too much longer. My next book is due to be published in late spring and I can't wait. You can read the reviews by visiting:

Review number 1 by Books and a Baby - Book Review

Review number 2 by Hayley Sales - Review and Blog Tour.

Review number 3 by Wild Writing Life at X - Review

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