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Favourite Buildings in Iceland

Since the release of my latest book Where the f**k is Blönduòs - Driving and surviving a winter in Iceland, I have received many emails from around the world asking for advice on planning a road trip. This is exactly the response I dreamed of and I thank everyone for their support and interest in my book(s). Looking through photographs I have taken over the years in Iceland, and I can say I have taken many, here is a short gallery of my favourite buildings - mainly for their raw beauty. #Iceland #DrivingIceland #WinterDrivingIceland #Blönduòs #WherethefuckisBlönduòs #EmmaStrandberg #PalamedesPR #Graffiti #Sejdisfjördur #NESArtistResidency #VatnsdaelaSaga #emmastrandbergbooks

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