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Mackerel and a Miracle...

These past weeks have been an intensive period with the release of my book Where the f**k is Blönduòs? Driving and surviving a winter in Iceland. I could not be more delighted with the media attention it received, the positive articles and independent reviews secured by #Palamedes and the encouraging mails from new readers. I am a couple of weeks away from welcoming the republication of my book titled #FullyBooked Fully Booked - It isn't called "running" a bed and breakfast for nothing. Furthermore, the September deadline for my latest manuscript to be delivered is worryingly near. Writing the original draft of a book is the easy part for me, it's the editing I find tiresome. In order to refresh my mind and body, to process my thoughts and to control stress, I go outside. Being outdoors helps me make sense of what is going on inside of me. Therefore despite the strong south west wind yesterday, I dressed in my favourite old jersey and shorts, packed my thermos flask and sandwiches, my camera #NikonD850 and fishing box and with rod in hand I hiked over a good stretch of coastline to blow away the cobwebs. It was a perfect day. Early evening I arrived home, dug up a few potatoes from the garden, and fried the singular mackerel I had caught. I poured a glass of Sancerre, then by ten o clock I crawled into bed and slept like a child. For an eternal insomniac this was not far short of a miracle. #fishing #gardeningtherapy #Bohuslän #FullyBooked #WherethefuckisBlönduòs #emmastrandbergbooks #WinterdrivingIceland #Palamedespr

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